Your Custom Solution: The Rainbow Elite Plus features a mixed-media solution that allows for a versatile means of targeting your specific water quality concerns. This unit utilizes state-of-the-art VortechTM technology that allows for two separate water treatment technologies in one single tank. This eliminates the need for multiple tanks and not only saves space but also significantly reduces cost. This innovative equipment eliminates media migration and the need for gravel under the bed, which reduces equipment weight and cost. Also reduces backwash duration to conserve water!
Pentair Series Control Valve: Pentair’s top-of-the-line computerized controller meters water usage, capacity, and salt/potassium usage and provides on-demand regeneration. It even maintains the time of day through power outages.
First Chamber: Provides customizable, mixed-bed solutions of high-capacity Centaur Catalytic Absorptive Carbon and contaminant-specific media to combat isolated contaminants such as Chlorine, Chloramines, and Hydrogen Sulfide.
Second Chamber: Provides varied-media solutions featuring industrial-grade, chlorine/chloramines resistant, high-capacity strong acid cation resin to address all your hard water concerns. This removes calcium, magnesium, limescale, and calcium carbonate and brings water down to zero grains per gallon of hardness!