Injection Feeder System
An Injection System can be used with above-ground or submersible irrigation pumps, as well as a city water system, to inject our products into an irrigation system. It consists of a small metering pump, the tubing and valves, and a feeder tank.
When the irrigation system is turned on, the metering pump sends solution from the feeder tank into the irrigation line. An injection system can be installed inside in a garage or basement, or outside.
American Hydro Irrigation Feeder System: Injection
Part No.: 2670
Description: Injection System
Unit Size: 30 Gallon
(Includes 30 gallon tank and top, pump mounting base, adjustable 16 GPD digital 110 volt pump with built-in pump start. 24 volt hook-up to master valve and common of irrigatic tinier, plus a water test kit, instructions and Owners Manual)
Important: The Injection Feeder System can be used for either indoor or outdoor applications with flow rates of up to 100 GPM.